Buy Hold Sell is a fast-paced business and investing podcast, bringing you stock tips and investment ideas every Friday and every second Monday. Join us as we quiz Australia’s top fund managers and investment analysts on a range of local and global stocks, as well as ETFs. Learn about the forces moving equities markets, the potholes you should avoid, and the companies going from strength to strength - all in 10 minutes or less. Whether you are new to investing or a seasoned professional, this podcast will get you thinking differently about markets.

Monday Jan 30, 2023
6 stocks for a full portfolio reset in 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
There's something to be said about starting from scratch. How many of us have dived headfirst into university degrees, careers and relationships before realising, sometimes later than we would have liked, that perhaps it wasn't the right fit?
The same could be said of our investment portfolios. It's far better to review your holdings, have an honest conversation about what worked and what didn't over the calendar year, and set out practical steps so you can stick to your strategy over the months ahead.
Well, it's that ... Or you can buy a shovel, dig a decent hole and bury your head in the sand.
In this thematic episode of Buy Hold Sell, Livewire's Ally Selby was joined by Medallion Financial's Michael Wayne and Marcus Today's Henry Jennings for a full portfolio reset.
They outline the headwinds they are watching as we move into the second month of 2023, the sectors that currently look promising, as well as the stocks they would want as their top three holdings if they could start completely from scratch.
And because I know you love it when we dish the dirt on portfolio duds, they also share some of their most painful positions from the year just past.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 24 January 2023. You can read an edited transcript below:

Friday Jan 27, 2023
Buy Hold Sell: The top small-cap picks for 2023 (and 2 fundie favourites)
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
We're back, baby! For the first episode of Buy Hold Sell for 2023, we're taking a look at Livewire readers' favourite small-caps stocks for the year ahead... And what a list it is.
Think a rare earth miner which boasts Australia's richest billionaire as a major investor, a tech darling that has taken a painful dive from its highs, and a stock next in line for the lithium throne.
There's also the only true copper play on the ASX after BHP and OZ Minerals' $9.6 billion deal, and, of course, another lithium hopeful because, as this anonymous writer has penned before, if there is one thing Livewire readers love more than dividends and long-term compounders (and don't forget long-term compounders with growing dividends), it's lithium stocks.
In this episode, Livewire's Ally Selby was joined by Marcus Today's Henry Jennings and Medallion Financial's Michael Wayne for their analysis of these tantalising small-cap stocks.
And just in case they were not a fan of readers' top picks, we also asked them to name the small cap they believe should have made the top five instead.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 24th January 2023. You can read an edited transcript below:

Monday Jan 23, 2023
16 funds the professionals would invest in
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Fund managers get judged by their investors, prospective investors and peers.
That last category is possibly the most informed of the lot. Fundies know what it's like to put in the work managing money. They pour over financial data, they visit companies on-site, and they make the hard-line calls.
So there may be no higher praise than to be called "a fund manager's fund manager".
Again in this year's Outlook Series, we ask 16 fund managers to name the fund manager to whom they'd hand over their own hard-earned capital.
They've come to the table with a diverse group of fund managers, including those in venture capital. Two of them even nominated one of the co-panellists!
And, in the name of diversification, you'll find that the fundies have often opted for funds that are outside their own wheelhouse.
Guest order in this podcast:
- Ben Clark, TMS Capital
- Michael Goldberg, Collins St Value Fund
- Mary Manning, Alphinity Investment Management
- Dion Hershan, Yarra Capital Management
- Matthew Kidman, Centennial Asset Management
- Robert Gregory, Glenmore Asset Management
- Catherine Allfrey, Wavestone Capital
- Nick Sladen, LSN Capital Partners
- Anthony Aboud, Perpetual Asset Management
- Nick Griffin, Munro Partners
- Jun Bei Liu, Tribeca Investment Partners
- Romano Sala Tenna, Katana Asset Management
- Oscar Oberg, Wilson Asset Management
- Marcus Padley, Marcus Today
- Andrew Clifford, Platinum Asset Management
Note: This vision was filmed on the 6th and 13th of December 2022. You can watch read an edited transcript below:

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
5 crowded trades to avoid in 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Guest order in this podcast:
- Nick Griffin, Munro Partners
- Nick Sladen, LSN Capital Partners
- Marcus Padley, Marcus Today
- Robert Gregory, Glenmore Asset Management
- Michael Goldberg, Collins St Asset Management
- Dion Hershan, Yarra Capital Management
Note: We would like to thank the fund managers for sharing their insights for 2023 in the spirit of the Outlook Series. All of the fund managers featured in this series run diversified portfolios. This is not intended to be a set of recommendations. Please do your own research and seek advice from a professional before making any investment decisions of your own.
This vision was filmed on the 13th of December 2022. You can read an edited transcript below:

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
15 bold predictions for the year ahead
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Guest order in this podcast:
- Jun Bei Liu, Tribeca Investment Partners
- Nick Sladen, LSN Capital Partners
- Matthew Kidman, Centennial Asset Management
- Marcus Padley, Marcus Today
- Catherine Allfrey, WaveStone Capital
- Robert Gregory, Glenmore Asset Management
- Andrew Clifford, Platinum Asset Management
- Nick Griffin, Munro Partners
- Mary Manning, Alphinity Investment Management
- Michael Goldberg, Collins St Asset Management
- Oscar Oberg, Wilson Asset Management
- Ben Clark, TMS Capital
- Dion Hershan, Yarra Capital Management
- Romano Sala Tenna, Katana Asset Management
- Anthony Aboud, Perpetual Asset Management
Note: We would like to thank the fund managers for sharing their insights for 2023 in the spirit of the Outlook Series. All of the fund managers featured in this series run diversified portfolios. This list is not, nor is it intended to be, a set of recommendations. Please do your own research and seek advice from a professional before making any investment decisions of your own. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.
This vision was filmed on the 6th and 13th of December 2022. You can read an edited transcript below:

Friday Jan 13, 2023
15 investment themes for your radar in 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
2022 was a year of macro. Runaway inflation and the rate hikes central banks responded with dominated headlines, and everything else seemed to feed from that.
These problems remain with us still, but they've been largely priced into markets.
So how do you parse the noise from the themes that matter?
As part of our 2023 Outlook Series, we asked 15 fundies to describe the investment themes they're keeping an eye on.
Guest order in this podcast:
- Mary Manning, Alphinity Investment Management
- Dion Hershan, Yarra Capital Management
- Jun Bei Liu, Tribeca Investment Partners
- Marcus Padley, Marcus Today
- Ben Clark, TMS Capital
- Nick Griffin, Munro Partners
- Andrew Clifford, Platinum Asset Management
- Catherine Allfrey, Wavestone Capital
- Michael Goldberg, Collins St Value Fund
- Matthew Kidman, Centennial Asset Management
- Nick Sladen, LSN Capital Partners
- Anthony Aboud, Perpetual Asset Management
- Robert Gregory, Glenmore Asset Management
- Romano Sala Tenna, Katana Asset Management
- Oscar Oberg, Wilson Asset Management
Note: We would like to thank the fund managers for sharing their insights ahead of 2023 in the spirit of the Outlook Series. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a set of recommendations. Please do your own research and seek advice from a professional before making any investment decisions of your own.
This vision was filmed on the 6th of December 2022. You can read an edited transcript below:

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
The top macro indicators to watch in 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
After a 15-year slumber, macro returned with a vengeance in 2022.
Unsurprisingly, the past year may have investors feeling a little wary about how central banks will fare in their race to bring inflation back to target. And inflation is only one part of the story.
As part of our Outlook Series for 2023, we asked nine fund managers who keep a close eye on the big picture to share the top macro indicators worth watching over the next 12 months, as well as what it could take for investors to start feeling a lot more bullish.
Guest order in this podcast:
- Andrew Clifford, Platinum Asset Management
- Catherine Allfrey, WaveStone Capital
- Anthony Aboud, Perpetual Asset Management
- Mary Manning, Alphinity Investment Management
- Oscar Oberg, Wilson Asset Management
- Ben Clark, TMS Capital
- Matthew Kidman, Centennial Asset Management
- Jun Bei Liu, Tribeca Investment Partners
- Romano Sala Tenna, Katana Asset Management
Note: We would like to thank the fund managers for sharing their insights ahead of 2023 in the spirit of the Outlook Series. This is not, nor is it intended to be, a set of recommendations. Please do your own research and seek advice from a professional before making any investment decisions of your own.
This podcast was recorded on the 6th of December 2022. You read an edited transcript below:

Monday Jan 09, 2023
No bears here: The 6 bulls you’ll meet in 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Market crashes. Hard landing recession talk. Interest rate rises. And to top it all off, we even missed out on a Santa Rally in December and started the year in the red across all sectors.
The scene is set for a fairly nasty year by any account. So you would be forgiven for expecting 2023 to be the year for the bears.
Instead, six of Melbourne's finest market experts believe it’s time to ignore the market noise and look to greener pastures ahead.
Guest order in this podcast:
- Marcus Padley, Marcus Today
- Michael Goldberg, Collins St Asset Management
- Robert Gregory, Glenmore Asset Management
- Dion Hershan, Yarra Capital Management
- Nick Sladen, LSN Capital Partners
- Nick Griffin, Munro Partners
Note: The information provided is not intended to be a recommendation. Please do your own research and seek advice from a professional before making any investment decisions. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

Friday Jan 06, 2023
The #1 stock picks for 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Well, folks, we made it through 2022. And what a year it was. Inflation soared for the first time in decades, interest rates lifted at frightening velocity, and bonds posted their worst year in history.
Now, more than ever, expert analysis and ideas are paramount. So, as part of our Outlook Series for 2023, Livewire reached out to 15 of the country's most respected fund managers for their highest conviction ideas for the year ahead.
While last year's picks were no match for the new market regime, previous years' have performed exceptionally well. So sit back, relax and enjoy this year's best stock ideas.
Speaker order:
- Romano Sala Tenna, Katana Asset Management
- Nick Griffin, Munro Partners
- Jun Bei Liu, Tribeca Investment Partners
- Marcus Padley, Marcus Today
- Oscar Oberg, Wilson Asset Management
- Robert Gregory, Glenmore Asset Management
- Catherine Allfrey, WaveStone Capital
- Dion Hershan, Yarra Capital Management
- Matthew Kidman, Centennial Asset Management
- Nick Sladen, LSN Capital Partners
- Mary Manning, Alphinity Investment Management
- Michael Goldberg, Collins St Asset Management
- Andrew Clifford, Platinum Asset Management
- Anthony Aboud, Perpetual Asset Management
- Ben Clark, TMS Capital
Note: We would like to thank the fund managers for sharing their top stock ideas for the year ahead in the spirit of the Outlook Series. Obviously, all of the fund managers featured in this series run diversified portfolios, and do not invest solely in the stocks mentioned below. This list is not, nor is it intended to be a set of recommendations. Please do your own research and seek advice from a professional before making any investment decisions of your own. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. This vision was filmed on the 6th and 13th of December 2022.
You can read an edited transcript below. https://www.livewiremarkets.com/wires/the-1-stock-picks-for-2023

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Ouch! 9 painful calls from 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Wednesday Dec 21, 2022
Plus, they share what they have learnt from these calls so that you can become a better investor over the year ahead.
Guest order:
- Andrew Clifford, Platinum Asset Management
- Anthony Aboud, Perpetual Asset Management
- Ben Clark, TMS Capital
- Catherine Allfrey, WaveStone Capital
- Matthew Kidman, Centennial Asset Management
- Jun Bei Liu, Tribeca Investment Partners
- Mary Manning, Alphinity Investment Management
- Oscar Oberg, Wilson Asset Management
- Romano Sala Tenna, Katana Asset Management
Note: These interviews were filmed on the 6th of December 2022. You can read an edited transcript below: