Buy Hold Sell is a fast-paced business and investing podcast, bringing you stock tips and investment ideas every Friday and every second Monday. Join us as we quiz Australia’s top fund managers and investment analysts on a range of local and global stocks, as well as ETFs. Learn about the forces moving equities markets, the potholes you should avoid, and the companies going from strength to strength - all in 10 minutes or less. Whether you are new to investing or a seasoned professional, this podcast will get you thinking differently about markets.

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Buy Hold Sell: 5 stocks in an upgrade cycle
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Over the past 18 months, Australians have faced an onslaught of truly biblical proportions. One after the other, fires, floods and a literal plague have ravaged this place we call home. And yet, despite this tireless tyranny, our companies fought back, with earnings surprisingly upbeat at the beginning of this year.
In the face of recent lockdowns, however, Macquarie found that only 20% of the ASX300 upgraded their earnings growth estimates for FY22. Meantime, around 48% of the market was flat, and 33% downgraded their earnings estimates for the year ahead.
So in this episode of Buy Hold Sell, we've invited Investors Mutual's Simon Conn and Montgomery Investment Management's Roger Montgomery to share their thoughts on three companies that have plenty of earnings growth potential. These include Australian Clinical Labs, MNF Group, and Ingenia Communities.
Plus, they'll also name two stocks that could surprise the market with upgrades in the months to come.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 13th October 2021. You can read an edited transcript below:

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Buy Hold Sell: 3 essential asset classes and 2 to avoid
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
One widely cited investment statistic is that 90% of portfolio performance comes from asset allocation. The stat originates from a 1986 research paper, Determinants of Portfolio Performance, which asserts that asset allocation trumps security selection and market timing when it comes to portfolio returns.
So, in this special Income Series episode of Buy Hold Sell we draw on the asset allocation prowess of Charlie Viola from Pitcher Partners and Hugh Robertson from Centaur Financial.
Charlie and Hugh share their views on three asset classes Livewire readers are adding to their portfolios in the year ahead. These award-winning advisers also nominate five of their preferred funds and ETFs for gaining exposure to these asset classes.
Plus, we hear about two areas of investment they are choosing to avoid right now.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 22 September 2021. You can read an edited transcript here:

Friday Oct 08, 2021
Buy Hold Sell: 5 innovative growth stocks
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
It's easy to be wowed by the massive changes our ancestors experienced — aeroplanes, electricity, the shoelace — and underestimate the ones we ourselves are living through.
So get ready to dive in my friends, because as this week's Buy Hold Sell shows, we're absolutely swimming in innovation. And the pace of change is ramping up too.
From a company pioneering a new type of audience interaction in videos, to a full-service financial firm for cryptocurrencies, and a global behemoth that specialises in making "dreams come true".
Livewire's Ally Selby sits down with Heath Behncke from Holon and Michael Frazis from Frazis Capital to sift through some of today's biggest and brightest innovators.
Plus, we also asked them to bring along a global powerhouse whose value hasn't been truly recognised by the market. What more could you want?
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 29th September 2021. You can read an edited transcript below:

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
How to find the next 100 bagger
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
100 baggers are few and far between. The stories of these stocks' success inspire investors' the world over, and keep them coming back to uncover the rare gems of the market time and time again.
These exponential growth stocks can return $100 for every $1 invested, turning a $1000 investment into $100,000, a $10,000 investment into $1 million or a $100,000 investment into $10 million.
Afterpay, for example, was listed on the ASX in May 2016 for $1.00 per share. Just over four years later, and the buy-now-pay-later darling hit 100 bagger status.
This quick trip to the "moon" is actually quite rare. In fact, Christopher Mayer, author of 100 Baggers: Stocks that Return 100-to-1 and How to Find Them, found that it can take an average of 26 years for a stock to become a 100-bagger - meaning, these investments can make you rich over the long term, but they are certainly not a "get rich quick" scheme.
So in this thematic episode of Buy Hold Sell, Livewire's Ally Selby is joined by Frazis Capital's Michael Frazis and Holon Global Investments' Heath Behncke for their insight into finding exponential growth stocks.
We discuss the metrics they use to analyse the global universe of opportunities, three essential characteristics of 100 baggers, as well as their highest conviction holdings right now.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 29th September 2021. You can read an edited transcript below:

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Buy Hold Sell: 6 of Warren Buffett and Cathie Wood‘s top stocks
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
You may not bet billions on stocks like Buffett, or be hard as (Cathie) Wood to ride the Tesla rollercoaster, but these global investors sure know a thing or two when it comes to picking stocks.
While Berkshire Hathaway existed long before Buffett, it was taken over by the Oracle of Omaha in 1964. Since 1965, the company has produced an annual return of 20%, compared to the S&P 500's 10.2% (as of the end of 2020). Meantime, Wood's ARK Innovation ETF has generated annualised returns of more than 34% (as of the end of June 2021)
However, as has been well documented by the press, both Buffett and Wood have underperformed of late. As a wise investor once told me, even the world's best can have their bad days (or years).
In this episode of Buy Hold Sell, we invited Frazis Capital's Michael Frazis and Holon Global Investments Heath Behncke to put these global investment leaders' top stocks on the chopping block.
And there is certainly no denying the investor (and their picks) which they prefer.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 29th September 2021. You can read an edited transcript below:

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
How to build a bulletproof income portfolio
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
While Elon Musk may have not been able to build a bulletproof car, with the help of the award-winning financial advisers in this episode of Buy Hold Sell, you can build a bulletproof income portfolio.
As part of our annual Income Series, we've invited Centaur's Hugh Robertson and Pitcher Partners' Charlie Viola onto the show to help set you up for retirement.
They discuss everything from why ASFA's estimated figure for retirement ($640,000 for couples) should be taken with a grain of salt, two tips that can have a major impact on maximising your nest egg, as well as the common mistakes they often see among their clients.
Plus, they also bring along their ultimate portfolio for income. And surprisingly, equities continue to play a huge part (around 50-60% of your portfolio, to be exact).
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 22nd September 2021. You can read an edited transcript below:

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Buy Hold Sell: 6 cracking ASX-listed income funds
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Warren Buffett once said that "if you don't find a way to make money in your sleep, you will work until you die".
While some may find this crude, this haunting, if not stark, awakening from the Oracle of Omaha champions the virtues of generating a passive income stream from investing. And, if I don't say so myself, it's even more relevant today in the ultra-low interest rate environment in which we find ourselves.
So, in this special Income Series edition of Buy Hold Sell, we invited Pitcher Partners Charlie Viola and Centaur Financial Services Hugh Robertson - both award-winning financial advisers - to share their thoughts on five cracking ASX-listed ETFs and one REIT for your income portfolio.
These include staples such as the Vanguard Australian Shares ETF and income favourites like the SPDR MSCI Australia Select High Dividend Yield ETF and the BetaShares Australian Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF.
And while our master financial advisers don't agree on all the ASX-listed products discussed in this episode, there are two, in particular, that have them screaming buy.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 22nd September 2021. You can read an edited transcript below:

Friday Sep 24, 2021
Buy Hold Sell: 6 small caps on the rise
Friday Sep 24, 2021
Friday Sep 24, 2021
The wild world of small caps has enamoured investors and punters alike since the dawn of time. Case in point, if a friend asked you to name your best stock pick, I'm almost certain they don't want to hear about BHP - they are after a small-cap.
These companies excite investors because their size means that they can grow multiples faster than their big cap cousins, and the lack of media coverage makes sorting through the company reports and Livewire articles all the more worth it when you find that gem. So to ease up your search, we brought in the experts.
In this episode of Buy Hold Sell, Ally Selby is joined by Nathan Hughes from Perpetual and Mike Murray from Australian Ethical. The trio discuss four small caps on the rise, including Integral Diagnostics, Nitro Software, PEXA and Blackmores.
And to top it all off, our fundies have each brought along one small-cap with big potential.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 15th September 2021. You can read a transcribed version below:

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
How to uncover the next small-cap champions
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
It's fair to say there is something truly exhilarating about investing in a winning small-cap. And over the past 12 months, the ASX has produced a considerable few.
Battery material producers like Pilbara Minerals (ASX: PLS) and Chalice Mining (ASX: CHN) completely shot the lights out, while cancer therapy companies Imugene (ASX: IMU) and Race Oncology (ASX: RAC) similarly impressed. Meantime, the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries has lifted 27.3% over the past year, and 12% in 2021 alone.
In our latest Buy Hold Sell thematic, Perpetual's Nathan Hughes and Australian Ethical's Mike Murray join Livewire's Ally Selby as they sift the local small-cap sector and open their stock selection playbooks.
Nathan points to decarbonisation plays like copper as a sector that has him excited, as well as some of the more mature retailers as an area of opportunity. However, it's healthcare and tech that really revs Mike's engine.
If that's not enough, our fundies also provide you with some helpful tips on sorting the duds from the darlings within the small-cap arena, including the red flags they believe you should watch out for. Plus, they also name two companies each that are capable of becoming the champions of the ASX over the years to come.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 15th September 2021. You can read an edited transcript below:

Friday Sep 17, 2021
Buy Hold Sell: 5 stocks for the reopening
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Wasn’t the reopening trade a 2020 thing? Perhaps for some, but not so for us down here in the Lucky Country.
With mid-October flagged as the reopening date, the anticipation is palpable. And no wonder! Melbourne is now on track to break the world record for most days spent in hard lockdown.
But with vaccination rates marching higher and warmer weather on the forecast, now seems like a good time to dust off the reopening trade ideas.
In this episode of Buy Hold Sell, Ally Selby asks Perpetual’s Nathan Hughes and Australian Ethical’s Mike Murray to share their views on five ways to play an economy ready to reopen.
And there is one stock, in particular, that has them excited.
Note: This episode was filmed on Wednesday 15th September 2021. You can read an edited transcript below: