Buy Hold Sell is a fast-paced business and investing podcast, bringing you stock tips and investment ideas every Friday and every second Monday. Join us as we quiz Australia’s top fund managers and investment analysts on a range of local and global stocks, as well as ETFs. Learn about the forces moving equities markets, the potholes you should avoid, and the companies going from strength to strength - all in 10 minutes or less. Whether you are new to investing or a seasoned professional, this podcast will get you thinking differently about markets.

Friday Nov 27, 2020
Is growth at a reasonable price possible in 2020?
Friday Nov 27, 2020
Friday Nov 27, 2020
In 2020 growth stocks dominated across markets. So much so that value investing has now had it worst run in twenty years. The speed at which these companies grew captivated investors and helped pull markets in a march upward to their February 2020 levels. However, as vaccine candidates emerge and US political tensions settle, fundies are calling for reason to return to markets.
In this thematic, Bella Kidman leads the panel in a discussion as to whether it's possible for investors to find 'the best of both worlds' - growth at a reasonable price. Bella is joined by Ben Clark from TMS Capital and David Wilson from First Sentier Investors who share their thoughts on the current outlook for equities and their top pick for growth at a reasonable price.

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Buy Hold Sell: 5 stocks ready to take flight
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
This week, the world received the news that not only one, but two potential COVID-19 vaccines had been produced. Does this mean that 2021 goes back to normal and the world reopens? As this confidence grows, investors are increasingly looking to capitalise on companies that have been beaten down by the pandemic, but have a lot of upside potential.
In this episode of Buy Hold Sell, Ben Clark from TMS Capital and David Wilson from First Sentier Investors discuss the companies that are riding the vaccine wave, and will benefit from a reopened economy in 2021.
They include 1) QANTAS – the airline beaten down by the pandemic but looking to make a soaring recovery, 2) Scentre group – the shopping centre company up 35% this month and 3) Sydney Airport – an obvious beneficiary but trading at a PE of 101.
Ben and David also each bring a stock that they think will receive a tailwind as the economy reopens in 2021.

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Buy Hold Sell: 5 bulletproof growth stocks
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
After a tumultuous year in which growth stocks dominated, the announcement of a successful vaccine has investors questioning whether these trends will continue. With low returns on offer elsewhere, investors are turning to equities, looking for the bulletproof returns that continue to run long into the future.
Tech darlings like Netflix, Alibaba and Spotify garnered significant attention from investors. However, Bob Desmond from Evans and Partners and Joe Magyer from Lakehouse Capital are not so convinced.
In this episode of Buy Hold Sell, Bob and Joe discuss these three growth stocks that ran in 2020 and whether they still see value in them. The pair also reveal their top pick for a resilient stock which they hold primed for growth.

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Stars and gripes: 2 standout stocks and a sector to avoid post US election
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
The anticipated blue wave carrying Joe Biden to the US presidency may have been overstated but history suggests a divided government is no bad thing for markets. And while Big Tech is a clear winner if governance is restrained and the Biden administration has its hands tied on issues like antitrust and privacy, Healthcare will not be far behind with the prospect of intense government scrutiny also fading.
However, Bob Desmond, Head of International Equities at Evans and Partners and Joe Magyer, Chief Investment Officer at Lakehouse Capital, are avoiding the energy sector. A Republican-controlled Senate will likely block green-energy policies while fossil-fuel stocks will continue to face headwinds.
In this thematic, Bob and Joe provide more detail on the US Election, including their top stock picks.

Friday Nov 06, 2020
Buy Hold Sell: 5 stocks sailing on structural tailwinds
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Friday Nov 06, 2020
Cashless society, the shift to the cloud and food delivery are three structural growth trends sweeping global markets. 2020 saw the tailwinds fanning these trends escalate into a full-blown cyclone, and the stocks in today’s episode have surged as a result.
But investors should keep in mind that a good narrative doesn’t always convert to a great investment. In this episode, Joe Magyer from Lakehouse Capital and Bob Desmond from Evans & Partners share their insights on the household names of Visa, Microsoft and Hello Fresh. Each of our guests also share a company that they believe is a compelling opportunity with one of the ideas pitched being described as ‘wildly profitable’.
Click on the player below or read the transcript to access this exclusive episode of Buy Hold Sell, brought to you by Livewire.

Friday Oct 30, 2020
Buy Hold Sell: 6 Stocks for 10 years
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Short-term market volatility has been on the mind of Livewire contributors, but on a long-term view, the market often proves rational. With the rise of passive investing and widely skewed valuations, many investors are looking for stocks that they can ‘set and forget’.
Long investment horizons remove the influence of market hype. As fundamentals and long-term trends take the main stage, quality companies rise to the top.
Here, Mathew Kidman from Centennial Funds leads the discussion on those stocks you can ‘leave in the drawer’ and find a nice gain some years down the track. Joined by Jason Kururangi from Aberdeen Standard Investment and Catherine Allfrey from WaveStone Capital, the panel considers 6 popular stocks including Afterpay, Woodside Petroleum, and CSL Ltd, and whether they see value in holding them for the next 10 years.

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
2007 highs in sight, can it beat beaten and how to buy in
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
The March lows from the impacts of coronavirus spelled the sharpest correction experienced in decades. Yet from this fall, we are experiencing a recovery almost as sharp. Spurred by fiscal stimulus, revised positive earnings and reopenings nation-wide, the market continues to grind upward.
With a US election looming and growing impatience for a coronavirus vaccine, can the market continue to grow and soon reach the highs of the 2007 bull market?
In this thematic, Jason Kururangi from Aberdeen Standard Investments and Catherine Allfrey from WaveStone Capital determine the catalysts needed to reach these market highs, 4 stock picks to take advantage of this growth and whether they see new market highs coming in the next 12 months.

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Buy Hold Sell: 5 ex-20 stocks on a high
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Some investors like the idea of treating the stock market like an extended fishing trip. They'll carefully pick their spot (think investment universe), patiently wait for the right opportunity, and aggressively reel it in when the time comes and hope that it's a big one.
For others, that approach may incite the reaction from the famous meme "Ain't nobody got time for that" and favour buying stocks that are already running hard. We call them momentum traders.
In this episode, we've picked out five ex-20 companies the market loves right now, but we've also got fundies Catherine Allfrey of WaveStone Capital and Jason Kururangi of Aberdeen Standard Investments to apply a qualitative overlay over the bullish behaviour of Altium, Northern Star Resources, and Pro Medicus.
Is chasing these momentum stocks akin to falling for the hook, line and sinker? Catherine and Jason discuss that question here, and also bring their two best Ideas in an uptrend but offering good value.
Visit Livewire Markets to access the video and transcript for this episode.
Note: This episode was filmed on 21 October 2020.

Friday Oct 16, 2020
Buy Hold Sell: 5 Livewire reader requests
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
With a growing army of investors hungry for knowledge and insights, we're getting more and more queries to cover specific stocks from fans of Livewire.
In this episode of Buy Hold Sell, Matt Williams of Airlie Funds Management and Sean Fenton of Sage Capital dedicate their time to our readers and have a red-hot crack at five stocks you want an opinion about.
They include 1) Wesfarmers - which Matt reckons operates the "best business in Australia"; 2) Beach Energy - whose revenues are holding up thanks to its solid contracts and net cash on the balance sheet; 3) CSL – a company that Sean believes will rebound and continue to grow strongly; 4) Coca-Cola Amatil – a consumer business that’s seen deteriorating profitability, and 5) A2 Milk - a market darling until just recently.
Visit Livewire Markets for the edited transcript, podcast and more great insights.
Note: This video was recorded on 7 October 2020.

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
4 beaten down sectors (and if now's the time to buy)
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
The ramifications of Covid-19 have been felt across economies around the globe, however, it has become evident that not all sectors have been treated equally. With extended lockdown and border closures looking set to continue, is there any hope for the most vulnerable industries? Tourism, REITs, banks and energy have all fallen victim to the shocks in consumer spending, government policy and travel restrictions brought about by the pandemic.
Despite these short-term hardships however, there’s an abundance of value and opportunity for the patient investor willing to dig into some of these distressed pockets of the market, explain Matt Williams from Airlie Funds Management and Sean Fenton from Sage Capital. In this thematic, Matt and Sean discuss whether they are bullish or bearish across the four worst affected sectors, as well as the stocks that are set to benefit from a return to relative normality.
Visit Livewire Markets to access the edited transcript or podcast for this episode.
Note: This episode was filmed on 7 October 2020.